Federal Funding and Resources

FY25 Congressionally Directed Spending:  US Senator Jeanne Shaheen

Our office is now accepting fiscal year (FY) 2025 Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) requests. The deadline to submit FY25 CDS requests to our office is March 22nd and the application can be found HERE.

Only public and non-profit entities may request CDS items. Please stay tuned for additional details about information sessions that our office will be hosting ahead of the FY25 deadline.

We are awaiting further guidance from the Senate Appropriations Committee for the FY25 CDS process and will be sure to keep you updated as additional information becomes available. For now, we are operating under the FY24 guidance. Requests may be made for the following bills:

  1. Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies
  2. Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies
  3. Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies
  4. Financial Services and General Government 
  5. Homeland Security 
  6. Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies
  7. Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies
  8. Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies
  9. Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies

Additional CDS resources can be found below:

  • To see an example of an application that was considered favorably by application reviewers in FY22, please click here.
  • If interested in learning more about the CDS process, please consult the February 15, 2023 webinar 'Submitting Congressional Directed Spending Requests in FY24' hosted by the New Hampshire Municipal Association as well as the February 22, 2023 webinar 'How to Submit Congressional Directed Spending' hosted by the NH Center for Nonprofits.
  • Please click here for updated guidance received from the Senate Appropriations Committee with respect to FY2024 CDS requests.

Any questions and/or concerns can be directed to appropriations_shaheen@shaheen.senate.gov.

2025 COMMUNITY PROJECT FUNDING - Rep. Pappas - First Congressional District

Given the short timeline between the release of guidance and deadlines for Member submissions, Rep. Pappas wanted to provide the information needed to consider developing a project submission for FY 2025 community project funding cycle.  We are also sharing our form for our FY 2025 community project submissions.

 Any Community Project Funding request must match specific funding accounts and purposes, which are detailed in the booklet. Please note, the information in the booklet largely consists of content drawn from House Appropriations Committee Fiscal Year 2024 guidelines.  Congressman Pappas can typically only submit 15 requests to the House Appropriations Committee. Given the high levels of interest, not every organization will get a request submitted to the Appropriations Committee.  Project submissions should be made through Congressman Pappas’s Community Project Request Form. Due to the incredibly compressed timeline instituted by the House Appropriations Committee, Community Project Funding requests are due no later than March 1, 2024.

 2025 COMMUNITY PROJECT FUNDING - Rep. Kuster, Second Congressional District

Now is the time to share any projects you are working on for which you are interested in pursuing federal resources. With numerous new funding programs now available, Rep. Kuster is eager to identify federal resources to support your work. They are interested in learning about projects, big and small. Please fill out this form by Friday, March 8th, to share your projects: https://forms.gle/X4DDJJktxXBJ2qMz8

NH Department of Environmental Services has DERA Funding available NOW!

NHDES has been awarded new Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for our NH Clean Diesel Grant Program. A competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) was released April 12, 2024!

Please review the current RFP for program details before submitting your proposal. The proposal deadline is May 24, 2024 at 4 PM ET.

Projects eligible for funding include diesel vehicle and equipment replacement, diesel engine replacement, etc. Common projects include plow truck, drayage truck, fire truck, wheeled loader, and school bus replacements. Existing units must be diesels, engine model year 2009 or older (unless replacing with electric) and must be scrapped. The replacement unit can be diesel, propane, natural gas, or electric and must be the same class and perform the same function as the existing unit. Grant funding reimburses a portion of eligible project costs; the portion depends on the project type. This is a competitive selection, based on specified Scoring Criteria and it is a reimbursement program.

Please visit the NH Clean Diesel website for more information or email us!

Elective Pay Webinar

 Please join us for this informational session on October 23rd as the office of U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen and the New Hampshire Municipal Association (NHMA) learn how tax exempt and government entities can receive direct payments for certain clean energy tax credits that were expanded in the Inflation Reduction Act. Join experts from the U.S. Treasury for a presentation about the proposed guidance for how elective pay will benefit local governments, municipals, non-profits and tax exempt organizations when they make clean energy investments.


Video Recording:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wj7aLEOWJCQ  (Duration: 26:00)

PowerPoint Presentation:  Elective Pay Webinar PowerPoint Presentation (10.23.23)

What Questions Do You Have About Elective Pay?

Questions in advance are strongly encouraged as Treasury guidance is still in the draft stages and individual circumstances may be better addressed by other tax advisors/experts. Please direct questions to governmentaffairs@nhmunicipal.org.

Resources referenced by Rachel McCleery, Senior Advisor, IRA Program Office, US Department of Treasury, in her brief presentation on elective or direct pay.  

The proposed elective pay regulations can be found here. In addition to the Treasury press release, you can find FAQs and fact sheets (individually linked below in English and Spanish) that outline key information contained in the proposed guidance. You can also find helpful information on CleanEnergy.gov/directpay. The 60-day comment period on regulations.gov is ended on August 14.

Recording of June 29 White House and Treasury Stakeholder Elective Pay Briefing (deck attached)


Fact Sheets – English

Fact Sheets – Spanish

 New Treasury Guidance on ARPA SLFRF Eligible Uses

On August 10, 2023, the U.S. Department of Treasury released its long-awaited Interim Final Rule on ARPA Flex. ARPA Flex was a provision passed by Congress in December 2022. The rule opens new expenditure categories and outlines potentially burdensome strings to using the money. 

This rule created three new expenditure categories: 

  • Spending to provide emergency relief from natural disasters.  
  • Spending on transportation infrastructure eligible projects and matching funds.  
  • Spending on any program, project, or service that would also be eligible under HUD’s Community Development Block Grant program. 
The Interim Final Rule will be published in the Federal Register next week starting a 60-day comment period. The timeline for a final rule is uncertain. The volume and complexity of comments will determine how long it will take to proceed to a final rule.   


New federal grant opportunities were announced recently to provide local governments with direct technical assistance and funding for capacity building around planning, land utilization, and preservation of affordable housing.  

Thriving Communities Technical Assistance  

Launched in February, HUD’s Thriving Communities Technical Assistance is accepting applications on a rolling basis until the $5 million set aside for the program under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law runs out.   

This program has funding trusted partners like the National Housing Trust, Smart Growth America and universities to provide direct technical assistance to program participants. The goal of the technical assistance is to support coordination and integration of transportation and housing objectives in infrastructure planning and implementation.  

Any local government may apply, but HUD is giving priority to applications from jurisdictions with populations less than 250,000.  The application portal can be found on HUD’s website. 


Finding Grant Programs 

If you are just entering the realm of grants and government funding, it can feel overwhelming trying to find the right program for you or your organization. When considering grants, these programs can be broadly categorized as those awarded by the federal government and those awarded by non-federal entities. Within these two categories are a variety of funding sources and program types. 


Federal Grants, Funding & Benefit Programs 

To sort through the federal grant programs, the authoritative source is the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA). This catalog lists all of the available funding programs to all levels of government, nonprofit organizations, for-profit businesses, and other eligible entities.  

Search Grants within Grants.gov allows you to search, filter, and apply for specific opportunities to receive funding from one of these programs. 

National League of Cities Federal Funding Search Tool  

2023 Farm Bill & Rural Development Opportunities  

The Farm Bill contains many programs that contribute to the maintenance and modernization of rural infrastructure, mainly in Title VI: Rural Development. The bill covers a wide range of programs, including housing, workforce development, water infrastructure, broadband and telecommunications, business development, energy and utilities.  

2023 Farm Bill Guidebook  

 usda logo


  • ReConnect Loan and Grant Program – Connects eligible communities by ensuring these areas have fast and reliable broadband service. Between 2019 and 2022, the program has invested grants and loans amounting to $3.14 billion in projects across the country. A combination of loans and grants can be used for various types of broadband infrastructure, including fiber-optic cable, fixed wireless service, and other technologies capable of providing high-speed internet access. Learn more about eligibility and requirements here.  
  • Community Connect Grants – This funding supports bridging the digital divide. Rural areas that lack any existing broadband speed of at least 25 megabits per second (Mbps) downstream and 3 Mbps upstream are eligible to apply. The funds are critical for connecting not only households, but critical community facilities such as schools, fire stations and libraries.    

Water Infrastructure 

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Utilities Service Water and Environmental Programs help rural communities obtain the technical assistance and financing necessary to develop drinking water and waste disposal systems. The program is exclusively focused on the water and waste infrastructure needs of rural communities with populations of 10,000 or less.    

  • The Water and Waste Disposal Grant provides funding for drinking water systems, sanitary sewage disposal, sanitary solid waste disposal and stormwater drainage in eligible rural areas. This program is designed to support applicants who are not able to obtain commercial credit on reasonable terms. The application window varies by state.   

Energy and Business  

  • Rural Energy Pilot Program – Provides direct grants to municipalities to develop community-scale renewable energy projects, energy efficiency programs and community energy planning.   
  • Rural Energy for America Program – Provides loans and grants to small businesses and agricultural producers to install renewable energy systems or make energy efficiency improvements. Municipal electric utilities serving rural customers may qualify as a small business under this program.    
  • Rural Innovation Stronger Economy Grants – Offers grants to municipalities and other entities to support and create workforce training programs or business incubator facilities.   
  • Community Facilities Direct Loan and Grant Program – Develops municipal community facilities to more effectively support the public. Community facilities range from health care centers to city hall buildings, fire departments, community gardens and food pantries.  

NOTE: The Farm Bill will expire at the end of September 2023, and now that Congress has passed a debt ceiling bill, it is possible that congressional committees will release Farm Bill legislative text before the end of summer to re-authorize the funding for these programs.  

building back better

Competitive Infrastructure Funding Opportunities for Local Governments Established by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law 


  • Rebuilding American Infrastructure Sustainably and Equitably (RAISE) Grants– This existing competitive grant program at the Department of Transportation provides $7.5 billion with an additional $7.5 billion subject to Congressional approval in funding for road, rail, transit, and other surface transportation of local and/or regional significance. Selection criteria safety, sustainability, equity, economic competitiveness, mobility, and community connectivity. Applications will open in the first quarter of 2022.  
  • Port Infrastructure Development Program Grants – This existing $2 billion Department of Transportation program funds investment in the modernization and expansion of U.S. ports to remove supply chain bottlenecks, ensure long-term competitiveness, resilience, and sustainability while reducing impacts to the environment and neighboring communities. The infrastructure law expanded the program’s eligibilities to include projects that improve goods movement, as well as port electrification projects, idling reduction solutions, equipment charging infrastructure and related worker training initiatives. 
  • Bus & Bus Facilities Competitive Grants – This existing $2 billion program at the Department of Transportation provides capital funding to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or lease buses and bus related equipment and to rehabilitate, purchase, construct, or lease bus-related facilities – as well as capital funding for low or no emissions bus projects. Fiscal Year 2021 grant selections will be announced soon.  
  • National Infrastructure Project Assistance (also known as “Megaprojects” or MEGA)– This $5 billion competitive grant program supports multi-modal, multi-jurisdictional projects of regional or national significance. Communities are eligible to apply for funding to complete critical large projects that would otherwise be unachievable without assistance. Selection criteria for the program will be posted on the Department of Transportation website. 
  • Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) Grants – This Department of Transportation program supports highway and rail projects of regional and economic significance.  Learn more about how to apply here. 
  • Safe Streets and Roads for All – This new $5 billion competitive grant program at the Department of Transportation will provide funding directly to and exclusively for local governments to support their efforts to advance “vision zero” plans and other complete street improvements to reduce crashes and fatalities, especially for cyclists and pedestrians.  
  • Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grants – In addition to the $5 billion formula program distributed to states, this $2.5 billion discretionary grant program at the Department of Transportation will fund the strategic deployment of publicly accessible electric vehicle charging infrastructure, as well as hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure, along designated alternative fuel corridors and in communities.  . 
  • Clean School Bus Program – This new $5 billion competitive grant program at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will provide funding to replace existing school buses with low- or zero-emission school buses. Applications for funding will be made availablehere
  • Reconnecting Communities – The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law creates a first-ever $1 billion program at the Department of Transportation to reconnect communities divided by transportation infrastructure – particularly historically disadvantaged communities too often nearly destroyed or cut in half by a highway. This new competitive program will provide dedicated funding to state, local, metropolitan planning organizations, and tribal governments for planning, design, demolition, and reconstruction of street grids, parks, or other infrastructure to address these legacy impacts.  
  • Rural Surface Transportation Grant - This new $2 billion competitive grant program at the Department of Transportation will improve and expand surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas, increasing connectivity, improving safety and reliability of the movement of people and freight, and generate regional economic growth. This amount includes specific set asides for small projects ($200 million), rural roadway lane departure improvements ($300 million), and the Appalachian Development Highway System ($500 million).  

Climate, Energy & Environment 

  • Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Program – This existing Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) program will distribute $1 billion to support communities undertaking hazard mitigation projects to reduce the risks they face from disasters and other natural hazards. FY21 applications are open until January 28th, 2022 and hundreds of millions of dollars in funding remains available. Communities will apply as sub-applicants under their states. 
  • Flood Mitigation Assistance – $3.5 billion from this existing FEMA program can be used for projects that reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings insured by the National Flood Insurance Program. FY21 applications are open until January 28th, 2022. Communities will apply as sub-applicants under their states. 
  • Brownfields Remediation Program – This existing EPA program will provide $1.2 billion in grants and technical assistants to communities to assess and safely clean-up contaminated properties and offer job training programs. Communities are currently able to request funding for Targeted Brownfields Assessments through their regional EPA office.  
  • Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants – This Department of Energy block grant program will provide $550 million to states, local governments, and tribes for projects that reduce energy use, increase energy efficiency, and cut pollution.  
  • Grants for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Improvements in Schools – This new Department of Energy Program will provide $500 million for local government education agencies and nonprofit partners to make energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean vehicle upgrades and improvements at public schools.  
  • Energy Improvement in Rural or Remote Areas – This new Department of Energy program will provide $1 billion to entities in rural or remote areas (defined as cities, towns, or unincorporated areas with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants) to increase environmental protection from the impacts of energy use and improve resilience, reliability, safety, and availability of energy.  


clean energy future

IRA -The Inflation Reduction Ac

 Along with guidebooks, the White House also released a downloadable, searchable spreadsheet to navigate the various funding opportunities. 

This guidebook, Building a Clean Energy Economy, provides an overview of the clean energy, climate mitigation and resilience, agriculture, and conservation-related tax incentives and investment programs in President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, including who is eligible to apply for funding and for what activities. The Biden-Harris Administration is working quickly to design, develop, and implement these programs; as such, the information in this guidebook is current as of publication. In the coming weeks and months, we will publish new developments on www.CleanEnergy.gov to keep stakeholders and potential beneficiaries of these programs up to date on the latest deadlines and details. This guidebook does not cover the Inflation Reduction Act’s health care provisions or certain corporate tax reforms. 

The White House has this website detailing the programs under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Additionally, this fact sheet from the House Ways and Means Committee is a good primer on the individual/household tax credits and rebates under the IRA.  

Local Governments Can Access Direct Pay for  Clean Energy Projects 

Justice40 Initiative (J40) 

  • Requiring all federal investments in climate and clean energy to deliver at least 40% of the benefits to disadvantaged communities that are marginalized, underserved, and overburdened by pollution.  
  • Interim implementation guidance applies to climate change, clean energy and energy efficiency, clean transportation, affordable and sustainable housing, remediation and reduction of legacy pollution, critical clean water and wastewater infrastructure, and training and workforce development. 
  • Disadvantaged communities are defined differently at federal, state, and local levels, which may shape how cities, local leaders, and community partners plan and implement projects and programs.  
  • Justice 40 Eligible Census Tracks Screening Tool
  • Additional Justice40 resources from DOE,  here.  
  • Learn more about technical assistance tools, including those that provide clear data to assist in energy justice planning, here.  

NH Cybersecurity Grant Program  

For information and helpful resources on the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program, visit CISA’s webpage here www.cisa.gov/cybergrants.  

NHDOE Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program 

The US Department of Energy came out with a Notice of Intent on distributing the $550 million through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program under the IIJA.  

NHDOE is working on a website to advertise some of the funding opportunities with relevant program documents.  Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Programs for Municipalities | NH Department of Energy 

 There are other funding opportunities for local governments to consider for projects: 

  • IIJA opportunities: NHDOE has created a webpage to advertise select funding opportunities. Local governments are encouraged to review it. 
  • NHDOE rebates and competitive grants: NHDOE offers a variety of rebates and competitive grant opportunities for renewable energy projects. More can be found here
  • NHSaves: this program offers a variety of rebates and financial incentives for energy efficiency. 
  • USDA Rural Development: Offers a variety of grant/loan programs for community facilities in rural areas. 
  • Connect with DOE on social media (Twitter/ LinkedIn) to hear about EECBG Program updates: 

NH BEA- Broadband Initiative 

  • New Hampshire Broadband Map 
  • Develop the connection status of properties across the state, including those that are served and unserved. 
  • Locate existing fiber-optic cable across the state, to identify the need for middle mile fiber-optics, which could help the business and economic development. 
  • Overlay census data to identify broadband digital equity opportunities throughout the state. 

The Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) grant program. established in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and administered by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration( NTIA) also maintains a comprehensive library of resources for local governments related to broadband and digital equity.  

Additional Resources and Training  

Check out the Local Infrastructure Hub 

infrastructure hub

On May 17, 2022, the National League of Cities (NLC), in partnership with Bloomberg Philanthropies, announced the Local Infrastructure Hub: Support for U.S. Cities and Towns to Put Federal Funding to Work for Residents, a national program to ensure that all cities and towns can access federal infrastructure funding to drive local recovery, improve communities, and deliver results for residents. With a $50 million initial investment, the Hub will bring together nonprofits, city networks, academics, and policy experts to provide direct support to communities as they develop applications, including: one-on-one coaching, webinars, on-demand answers to pressing questions, data analysis, guidance from issue experts on a range of infrastructure-related topics, and easily accessible information on the rules and timeframes for specific funding opportunities. 

Six months after President Biden signed the more than $1 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, local governments are eligible for billions of dollars in funding to support projects that range from transforming ports and parks to rural broadband and help tackle challenges like climate change and racial wealth inequity. But with nearly 400 separate grant that will open applications over the next 24 months, many communities will struggle to identify and apply for all the funding available to them. The Local Infrastructure Hub brings together leading experts in policy and innovation in a program that includes information, resources, and technical assistance to help cities access this once-in-a-lifetime funding opportunity. 

The Local Infrastructure Hub is a national program designed to connect cities and towns with the resources and expert advice they need to access federal infrastructure funding in order to drive local progress, improve communities, and deliver results for residents. 

The Local Infrastructure Hub is a national program designed to connect cities and towns with resources and expert advice they need to access federal infrastructure funding in order to drive local programs, improve communities, and deliver results for residents. 

Bootcamps Available to Help Small Towns Take Advantage of Grant Opportunities 

 The National League of Cities (NLC) and the Local Infrastructure Hub are hosting a series of free bootcamp trainings for small and mid-sized cities. The bootcamps are designed to help cities with populations under 150,000 develop strong applications for federal infrastructure grant opportunities. 

Submitting strong applications for federal infrastructure money can be challenging for small and mid-sized cities, towns, and villages. To assist underserved local governments with populations of approximately 150,000 or less, the Local Infrastructure Hub is offering a series of bootcamps. The bootcamps are designed to help small and mid-sized local governments take advantage of the grant opportunities available through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. 

Learn more:  https://localinfrastructure.org/application-bootcamp/ 

ARPA Funds & The Broadband Planning Network 

The New Hampshire Municipal Association (NHMA) has partnered with the National Collaborative for Digital Equity (NCDE), founded and based in New Hampshire, to help communities that are interested in using Local and Fiscal Recovery Funds (LFRF) to improve broadband.  NHMA and NCDE are working together to bring interested members the opportunity to join an NHMA/NCDE broadband planning network and to undertake broadband investment planning together.   

NCDE logo

Overview of the Broadband Planning Network 
NCDE proposes that interested members allocate to NCDE a portion of their municipality’s ARPA Local Relief Funds (based on population, see below) to join the broadband investment planning network, whose priorities will be to: (1) assist the participating municipalities to develop one or more joint broadband investment funding proposals, (2) design investment plans to support for-profit and nonprofit business models that incorporate affordable pricing (<$15/month) for low- and moderate-income households; (3) assist participating municipalities to become “Broadband Ready” communities while developing NHMA’s capability to provide this support as an ongoing support to members generally; and (4) other broadband projects as deemed fundable.    

Broadband planning network cost schedule, based on population 

25-4,999: $5,000 

5,000-9,999: $7,500 

10,000 and greater: $10,000 

Please note that NHMA receives a fee for each municipality that joins the broadband planning network with NCDE.  

Please complete this form if you are interested in learning more about the NCDE broadband opportunity.   


The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 is a $1.9 trillion economic stimulus bill. Within the ARPA, the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CSLFRF) provides $350 billion for states, municipalities, counties, tribes, and territories, including $130 billion for local governments split evenly between municipalities and counties. This webpage provides important information for cities and towns in New Hampshire on ARPA and the CSLFRF.  


 ARPA funding must be obligated by the end of calendar year 2024 and expended by the end of calendar year 2026. 

  • The next required reporting for local ARPA funds will be due by April 30, 2024 for ARPA expenditures through *March 31, 2024*  

Treasury has published an updated Project and Expenditure Report User Guide ( Version 2, April 1, 2022) . This document provides information on using Treasury’s portal to submit the required SLFRF Project and Expenditure report for the April 2022 submission deadline. The user guide is a supplement to the updated Compliance and Reporting Guidance (Version 5.1, June 2023) document, which contains relevant information and guidance on ARPA SLFRF reporting requirements. 

As you review the reporting guide and establish a plan for submitting your report, we encourage you to make use of the following Treasury resources: 

If you have general questions or need additional assistance, please contact Treasury at SLFRP@treasury.gov

Revenue Loss (Expenditure Category 6.1) - For towns and cities elected the standard allowance and will spend their funds on the "general provisions of government services" (Expenditure Category 6.1 Revenue Replacement), please continue to refer to relevant sections of Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200) that apply to the use of these funds.  Please refer to the 2 CFR Part 200 Desk Reference provided by the State of NH.  

Desk Reference for New Hampshire Recipients of LFR Funds:  Complying with Federal Uniform Guidelines, GOFERR, Last Updated January 25, 2022 (15 pages)  

NEUs, as recipients of State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, were required to submit project and expenditure reports by April 30, even if no funds were expended, according to the Final Rule Guidance. The Treasury Department has acknowledged, however, that some NEUs continue to have technical and administrative issues with submitting their mandatory reporting. If you have not successfully submitted your first report, please contact the Treasury immediately at SLFRF@treasury.gov. According to Treasury, a record of late reporting could lead to a finding of non-compliance, which could result in development of a corrective action plan, or other consequences. (Source: Project and Expenditure Report User Guide, Appendix F FAQ, Q 1.17.)  

Treasury's Portal:  https://portal.treasury.gov/compliance  

NEU Steps for April 30, 2024 Reporting:   

  • Create a Login.gov user account.  (Follow instructions HERE)  
  • Access Treasury’s Portal. (Link to Treasury's Portal HERE)    
  • Assign/Designate Roles in the Portal. (The Account Administrator is the only role that can do this)  
  • Upload the required documents in the Portal.    
  • Complete your Project and Expenditure Report.  

us treasury logo

State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds: SLFRF@treasury.gov or call (844) 529-9527 
•    Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency: LATCF@treasury.gov or call (844) 529-9527 
•    Emergency Rental Assistance program: EmergencyRentalAssistance@treasury.gov or 877-398-5861 
•    Homeowners Assistance Fund: For states and territories: HAF@treasury.gov; for tribes: HAF_Tribal@treasury.gov; or 877-398-5861 

  • Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Treasury's ARPA homepage  
  • Final RuleIssued January 6, 2022, the Final Rule (FR) outlines how Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSLFRF) may be spent. The FR describes the rules and parameters for use of SLFRF monies from ARPA. The FR is the official rule from Treasury, and it applies to all municipalities, both metropolitan communities and NEUs.  
  • Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds: Overview of the Final Rule  
  • CSLFRF Final Rule FAQ  
  • Compliance and Reporting Guidance for State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds This Treasury guidance (Version 5.1, issued 6/06/23) provides details, requirements and clarification for each recipient’s compliance and reporting responsibilities.   
  • The Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards ("Uniform Guidance") apply to the LFRF. These include, but are not limited to:  
  • Contracts must follow federal procurement rules and cost principles.  
  • Cities/towns may enter into Grant Agreements with subrecipients (such as to broadband suppliers, water  departments, or school districts that serve multiple NEUs). Cities/towns are responsible for monitoring and  reporting on subrecipient use of LFRF funds.  
  • Single Audit requirements apply to subrecipients who receive in the aggregate more than $750,000 in federal funds for the year.  

For the full text of applicable requirements, see Title 2, Part 200 of the Code of Federal Regulations.  

Materials from GOFERR/Guidehouse:  

Subrecipients v. Contractors  

  • Subrecipient v. Contractor Classification  
  • Subrecipient v. Contractor Determination Checklist  
  • Subrecipient Risk Assessment Tool  
  • Municipalities considering direct assistance to households should read this first.  
  • States are required to report how funds are used and how their tax revenue was modified during the time that funds were spent during the covered period (covered period begins on March 3, 2021, and ends on the last day of the fiscal year a state or local government has expended or returned all funds to the U.S. Treasury).  
  • If a state, county or municipality does not comply with any provision of this bill, they will be required to repay the U.S. Treasury an equal amount to the funds used in violation.  

"Agreements" - Grant Awards Documents  

  • Award Terms and Conditions.  This is your grant agreement.  This document was signed by the Authorized Representative for your municipality and dated when your municipality received the first tranche of funding in August of 2021 and was submitted to GOFERR.   
  • Assurance of Compliance with Civil Rights Requirements. This document was signed by the Authorized Representative for your municipality and dated when your municipality received the first tranche of funding in August of 2021 and was submitted to GOFERR.   

Please contact NHMA at 603.224.7447 or governmentaffairs@nhmunicipal.org