Developing and Adopting Effective Financial Policies: Where to Start?

Good news.  NHMA has refreshed and updated  The Basics of Financial Policy  publication to provide New Hampshire town and city governments with an overview of basic financial policies. The third edition of this publication includes several significant chapter changes, updated statutory and regulatory information, recently adopted recommended practices, and new or revised example policies.

Financial policies are the framework for developing long term, strategic approach to financial management. There are compelling reasons to adopt formal written policies. Among them, adoption of financial policies helps to provide consistency, stability and continuity in the financial operations of the municipality.

Join NHMA’s Government Finance Advisor, Katherine Heck, as she explores the nine key policy categories, including internal controls, operations, fund balance, revenues, expenditures, investments, debt and Capital Improvement Planning and how these policies fit into the overall goals of your city or town.

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