best practices

best practices

Debunking the Top Ten Tax Deed Myths

Perhaps no other area of municipal law contains more popular misconceptions than tax deeded real estate. Considering the complex legal requirements surrounding the tax deeding process, recent changes to tax deed
law, and the plethora of ways to sell tax deeded property, it is no wonder there is so much confusion surrounding this important topic.

In this article, we debunk the ten most frequent myths we’ve encountered about tax deeded properties over the decades we’ve represented New Hampshire municipalities as attorneys and auctioneers.

First Amendment “Audits”: What Are They and How Do You Handle One?

Recently, towns across New Hampshire (and the country) have begun experiencing a new, unsettling type of encounter with members of the public that has increasingly caused confusion, irritation, and even court battles and the resulting payment of money damages. This interaction is called the “First Amendment audit.” First Amendment audits are an American social and political movement that usually involves filming from a public space.

The Art of Welfare Administration Workshop

Program Agenda

9:00 A.M. - Registration

9:30 A.M. - The Art of Welfare
This session provides a basic overview of New Hampshire law governing local welfare administration, including why guidelines are important and how assistance is provided. This session will also address fair hearings, suspension of assistance, and more.
Jonathan Cowal, Municipal Services Counsel, NH Municipal Association
Stephen Buckley, Legal Services Counsel, NH Municipal Association

11:00 A.M. - BREAK

Old Closed Landfills – What Towns Need to Know

Closed landfills are a long-term liability for municipalities because they can create environmental and other problems that negatively impact residents and visitors. Landfill property owners, including municipalities, are responsible for the costs of cleanup up environmental contamination. Many New Hampshire towns have more than one closed landfill – one that long-time residents remember using (often located near the current transfer station) and one or more that was used before that. Municipal officials need to know about and maintain all of them.

Municipal Trustees Training Hybrid Workshop

Municipal trustees—cemetery trustees, library trustees, trustees of trust funds—have very important and varied duties. This introductory hybrid workshop is geared to give you the tools you need to perform your duties legally and understandably.

Program Agenda
9:00 am—9:05 am  Introduction
Stephen Buckley, Esq., Legal Services Counsel, NH Municipal Association

9:05 am—10:35 am  Administering Donor-Restricted Funds

Embracing Technology To Overcome Common Budgeting Challenges

Join your fellow NHMA members on May 3rd from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM for an informative live webinar exploring the challenges governments face in the digital age and how technology helps leaders work more effectively. Learn how fellow agencies are leveraging powerful budgeting technologies to create accurate and detailed budgets in less time, and hear from guest speakers who will share their experience switching to modern tools. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from experts in the field and network with your peers.

Right-to-Know: Public Meetings and Governmental Records Workshop

Join Legal Services Counsel Stephen Buckley and Municipal Services Counsel Jonathan Cowal  who will discuss the requirements for holding a proper public meeting, as well the exceptions to the meeting requirement (the so-called "non-meeting").  The attorneys will also address managing virtual public access and allowing public body members to participate remotely when their physical attendance is not reasonably practical.  Consideration will also be directed at preparing meeting minutes and facilitating public comment through meeting rules of procedure.

Value of Card Based Payments

The purchase and acquisition methods your municipality uses can influence its operational efficiency, cash flow and costs of goods and services. To mitigate risk and gain control over purchasing, you need real-time visibility into transactions and powerful tools that can help reduce paper-based expense administration.

Join Citizen's Bank Card Payment Consultant, Adam Pan, as he provides a general overview of the current state of electronic accounts, reviews the benefits and value of card-based solutions, and outlines available card programs in the marketplace today.

2023 Local Officials Hybrid Workshop (April 6)

NHMA is holding this FREE virtual workshop designed specifically for newly-elected (or appointed) as well as experienced municipal officials and employees of member municipalities.

Presented by NHMA's Legal Services attorneys, this complimentary virtual workshop provides municipal officials with the tools and information to effectively serve your communities.  Topics will include Governance & Select Board Authority, Right-to-Know Law – Records, Remedies and Meetings, Conflicts of Interest, Budgeting Essentials, and Land Use 101.