

First Amendment “Audits”: What Are They and How Do You Handle One?

Recently, towns across New Hampshire (and the country) have begun experiencing a new, unsettling type of encounter with members of the public that has increasingly caused confusion, irritation, and even court battles and the resulting payment of money damages. This interaction is called the “First Amendment audit.” First Amendment audits are an American social and political movement that usually involves filming from a public space.

Preparing to Defend Against Today’s Cyber Threats Webinar

Why You Are a Target and What No Cost Cybersecurity Resources are Available to Help!

For a brief timeframe, many smaller municipalities felt insulated to cyber criminal activity. After all, who would target a town of 6,000 when there are 317 U.S. cities with populations over 100,000 and far more financial resources? The cyber threat environment has shifted, cyber criminals have become more opportunistic, and everyone is now a potential target.