National League of Cities Releases New Report on The Future Work in Cities

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With automation and artificial intelligence already permeating nearly every sector of the economy, disruption is happening at an accelerated pace.

The National League of Cities’ (NLC) latest report in their City of the Future series examines societal shifts and advancements in technology that are impacting the rapidly changing American workforce.  Globalization and the emergence of new technologies are revolutionizing the way we structure our businesses, hire our employees, and produce our goods.  This historic change brings both anxiety and opportunity.  As labor is commoditized and platformized, workers increasingly rely less on an employer’s capital (like an office or factory) and more on their own homes, laptops, cars, and smartphones. 

This report outlines solutions to help city leaders plan for the fast-approaching future, while forecasting the economic viability of two distinct sectors – retail and office administration – in which a quarter of Americans are currently employed.  The Future of Work in Cities contrasts the realities cities face today with the ways they are planning for tomorrow, exploring the means by which cities can exploit innovative opportunities while realigning local governance priorities. This research initiative aims to empower local leaders to be proactive rather than reactive toward the changing economy, helping them positon cities for growth as these trends accelerate.

This Report: 1) presents the history of work; 2) examines the technologies fueling a drive toward automation; 3) explores changing relationships between capital anlabor; 4) includes economic forecasting; and 5) provides recommendations to local leaders.

This report can be downloaded from NLC’s website at