NHMA On-Demand Training

The information contained in this article is not intended as legal advice and may no longer be accurate due to changes in the law. Consult NHMA's legal services or your municipal attorney.

NHMA On-Demand Training

NHMA has a fee-for-service training option—NHMA On-Demand—so member municipalities can get the training they need when they need it. NHMA attorneys are available to travel to member municipalities to present On-Demand training sessions on the following topics:

Municipal Authority to Act and Preemption

The Selectmen’s Role with other Elected and Appointed Officials

Fair Labor Standards Act and Family Medical Leave Act

Trusts and Trustees (cemetery and trustees of trust funds)

Municipal Employment Law

Discrimination in the Workplace

Effective Communication and Action with Library Trustees/Library Trustee Law

The Selectmen’s Role with Public Safety and Emergency Management

Right-to-Know Law

How to Hold an Effective Meeting and Work as a Board

Budget Law

Welfare Basics

The Charter Process

Conflicts of Interest and Ethics for Local Officials

What Do Selectmen Do?

Road Law

Planning Board and/or ZBA basics (roles and procedures)

The Tax Deeding Process

Other topics as may be arranged with staff

Each presentation is approximately 2 hours in length and costs $475.00. Member municipalities paying annual dues in excess of $15,000 are entitled to one free On-Demand presentation per calendar year. We encourage the requesting municipality to invite officials and employees from surrounding NHMA-member municipalities to attend and share the cost.

To request an NHMA On-Demand presentation, or for more information, please send an email to legalinquiries@nhmunicipal.org.