2022 Town and School Moderators (Traditional Town) Workshop

8:30 am           Registration and Continental Breakfast 
9:00 am           The Fundamentals of Town Meeting – Stephen Buckley, NHMA Legal Services Counsel, William J. Phillips, NHSBA Staff Attorney & Director of Policy Services:  A review of the law governing town meeting and the role of the moderator at town, village district and school district meetings; debate and voting on warrant articles and the operating budget, essential statutes, postponement, electioneering, amendments.  How to handle difficult people and disruptive events at public meetings.  
10:30 am         Break 
10:40 am         How to Run a Successful Town Meeting and Avoid Becoming a Super Spreader Event – Cordell Johnston, Town of Henniker Moderator and Peter Imse, Town of Bow Moderator. Using technology to run a successful, multi-room, socially distant, simultaneous meeting. 
11:20 am         Election Law Legislative Update – Natch Greyes, NHMA Government Affairs Counsel.  A presentation on new election laws of interest to moderators along with a review of pending and proposed legislation related to elections.   
12:00 noon     Break   
  Town and
12:10 pm        Hypotheticals:  Break-out sessions for review and answering hypothetical situations that moderators might face 
1:30 pm          Workshop ends 

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