Drinking Water & Groundwater Trust Fund: Renewed Investment in Local Water Supply Infrastructure

The Drinking Water and Groundwater Trust Fund represents a major, long-term infusion of funds for water supply infrastructure and source water protection that was created in 2016 by SB 380, using $276 million of MtBE trial judgment funds. The Trust Fund, established under RSA 485-F, is intended to provide for the protection, preservation, and enhancement of the drinking water and groundwater resources of the state. As part of the establishment of the Trust Fund, the legislature formed the Drinking Water and Groundwater Advisory Commission. The Commission administers the Trust Fund with assistance provided by the MtBE Remediation Bureau and Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau of NHDES and awards loan funds, grants and matching funds to drinking water projects in a manner consistent with RSA 485-F.

Join Assistant Commissioner, Clark Freise, Johnna McKenna, and Paul Susca of the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services as they will explain how municipalities and water suppliers can access this new funding opportunity for drinking water infrastructure projects and for land conservation and source water protection.

The webinar will explain how this new drinking water financial assistance program will work and how it will integrate with the existing Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund (DWSRF) program for drinking water infrastructure/construction type projects including how to apply to the 2018 DWGTF and DWSRF round. With respect to construction, topics will include eligible applicants, eligible projects, evaluation criteria, timelines and the process for applying. 

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