Town & School Moderators Workshop - SB2 Town Meetings

January 7, 2023
SB 2 Town Meetings


9:00 am - The Fundamentals of Town and School District Meeting For SB 2 Municipalities

A review of the law governing the annual meeting and the role of the moderator at town, village district and school district meetings. This presentation will cover permitted amendments to warrant articles, voting on warrant article amendments, along with addressing the operating budget warrant article and the role of the default budget. Attention will also be paid to essential statutes, postponement, electioneering, and related First Amendment and Right-to-Know Law issues. Topics on how to handle difficult people and disruptive events at public meetings will also be covered.

Stephen Buckley, NHMA Legal Services Counsel, William J. Phillips, NHSBA Staff Attorney & Director of Policy Services, and Jonathan Cowal, NHMA Municipal Services Counsel

10:30 am - Break

10:40 am – Election Law Update & Practical Tips for Elections -Lessons learned at the General Election

An update on election law changes and practical ways to comply with new laws and still run an efficient official ballot session.

Natch Greyes, NHMA Government Affairs Counsel, Cordell Johnston, Town of Henniker Moderator

11:20 am - Ballot Counting Device Update

Presentation on the status of an alternative to the AccuVote Tabulator.

Pete Basiliere, Milford Town & School District Moderator

12:00 noon - Break

12:10 pm - Hypotheticals

Break-out sessions for review and answering hypothetical situations that moderators might face.

1:30 pm - Workshop ends

Broadcast Date
YouTube Video