81st Annual Conference and Exhibition- Wednesday, November 16

81st Annual Conference

Getting Used to Different

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 – In-person Sessions & Streaming Some Popular Sessions Virtually

9:00 A.M.   General Session: Get Used to Different!  Reinvent Your Municipality Post-Pandemic (In-person & Streaming Virtually)

Presented by: Jim Mathis, IPCS, CSP, CSJMT, The Reinvention ProTM

Every city, town and municipal manager and leader can reinvent themselves and their leadership in a personally challenging and value-changing presentation that will change your city’s/town’s strategic outlook.  Change is happening!  With recent city bankruptcies and defaults, it is clear that your realities have changed due to changes in the economy, social/cultural transition, Millennials coming of age, mobile public, technological advances and demographic trends. 

Participants will answer Critical questions dealing with how citizens feel “punished” for doing business with you; what policies, practices or programs have become “dinosaurs” in our city business; what has the pandemic changed in our town; what method are you using to equip your people to do tasks with authority; and what is “kindling” our method of operations are dealt with in small group discussion.

Video Recording to be Available Soon!


Appraising the Outliers:  Unique Properties (In-person)

This session will address methods and techniques available for an appraiser who must develop a supported opinion of value for unique properties.

Presented by: Barry Shea, Appraiser, ASA, IFA, ARM-RP, NH Association of Assessing Officials

Appraising the Outliers PowerPoint Presentation

Current State of Charge: Electric Vehicle Charging Investments & Opportunities for New Hampshire Communities (In-person)

New Hampshire is gearing up for groundbreaking investments in Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and the Volkswagen (VW) Mitigation Trust settlement. Battery Electric Vehicles (EV) are an exhaust-free solution to greenhouse gas emissions from cars, trucks, and buses. With mainstream automakers bringing more diverse EV models to the market, access to public charging has become top-of-mind for consumers. In this session we will explore the need for public charging in NH, review the current landscape and steps being taken, and provide guidance to municipalities on how to be shovel ready if and when funding opportunities or investments become available to your community. Learn from municipalities leading the charge with successfully completed projects: the crew, steps, and costs. Take away insights and strategies you can apply towards developing an EV charging action plan for your community and the types of projects communities can and should proceed with on their own.

Presented by: Phil Lamoreaux, NHDES Climate & Energy Program Manager, NH Department of Environmental Services

Seth MacLean, Assistant Town Administrator, Town of Peterborough

Brian Deshaies, Selectman, Town of Wolfeboro

Daniel Shanahan, Eastern Regional Sales Director, EVSE LLC

Emily Manns, Chair, Peterborough Energy Committee

Bruce Tucker, Member, Peterborough Energy Committee

Current State of Charge:  LaMoreaux PowerPoint Presentation

Current State of Charge:  Deshaies PowerPoint Presentation

Current State of Charge:  Shanahan PowerPoint Presentation

Current State of Charge:  Peterborough Power Point Presentation

Employee Benefits Matter! (In-person)

Employee Benefits play a role in attracting and retaining employees for your community.  Learn which benefits help achieve a robust and comprehensive benefits package for your employees, their covered family members, and retirees through strategic benefit plan design. This session will discuss the benefit plan designs that round out the benefit offerings for employees. Cost savings in this process may be achieved with HealthTrust’s preferred plans, Health Reimbursement Arrangements and Flexible Spending Accounts. Learn how other communities successfully saved costs while maintaining comprehensive coverages for their employees.

Presented by: David Salois, Member Relations Representative, HealthTrust

Melisa Briggs, Benefits Assistant Manager, HealthTrust

Mark Broth, Benefits Assistant Manager, Drummond Woodsum & MacMahon

Employee Benefits Matter PowerPoint Presentation

Local Land Use Regulations and Innovative Planning Techniques (In-person)

This two-fold session will first present the results of the 2021 Municipal Land Use Regulation Survey conducted by the New Hampshire Office of Planning and Development and, second, introduce some innovative land use tools that communities can utilize to balance housing and conservation interests, while proactively planning for the future, with emphasis given to the transfer of development rights. Topics covered by the survey and discussed in this session include local land use boards, master plans, housing, short-term rentals, economic development, planning and development techniques, water and shoreland regulations.

Presented by: Noah Hodgetts, Principal Planner, New Hampshire Office of Planning and Development

Alvina Snegach, Assistant Planner, New Hampshire Office of Planning and Development

Local Land Use PowerPoint Presentation

NHMA’s Annual Legislative Update (In-person & Streaming Virtually)

Join NHMA’s Government Affairs Counsel, Natch Greyes, and Government Finance Advisor, Katherine Heck, in NHMA’s annual presentation on the events of this year’s legislative session and predictions of what municipalities might be facing next year. Despite not being a budget year, the team worked to secure more than $130 million for municipalities, and took on a wide range of issues from advocacy efforts at the legislature to attorney-client privilege repeal and statewide zoning mandates. Learn what the team has been working on over the summer and what bills are likely forthcoming in 2023.

Presented by: Natch Greyes, Government Affairs Counsel, New Hampshire Municipal Association

Katherine Heck, Government Finance Advisor, New Hampshire Municipal Association

2022 Legislative Update PowerPoint Presentation

Video Recording to be Available Soon!

Preparing to Defend Against Today’s Cyber Threats:  Why You Are a Target and What No Cost Cybersecurity Resources are Available to Help (In-person)

For a brief time, many smaller municipalities felt insulated to cyber criminal activity.  After all, who would want to target a town of 6,000 when there are 317 larger targets in the form of U.S. cities with populations over 100,000? Unfortunately, the cyber threat environment has shifted, and, today, everyone is a potential target. This webinar will provide an overview of today’s cyber threat environment and help you navigate the vast (and sometimes confusing) world of no cost cybersecurity resources available to build cyber resilience, strengthen defenses, and ultimately help make you a hard target.

Presented by: Rick Rossi, Cybersecurity Advisor - New Hampshire, U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

Cori Casey, Risk Management Consultant, NH Public Risk Management Exchange (Primex3)

Tim Benitez, Resident Agent in Charge, U.S. Secret Service (USSS)

Ken Weeks, Chief Information Security Officer, New Hampshire Department of Information Technology

Jason Sgro, Senior Partner, The ATOM Group and President of FBI’s InfraGard NH Program

 Preparing to Defend Against Cyber Threats PowerPoint Presentation

The NH Building Code Process – Answers to Most Questions (In-person)

This session will provide an overview of the 3-year building code adoption cycle from the national level to the codes adopted in NH. Updates to NH statutes relative to the code adoption, local amendments, appeals processes and the added responsibilities to the NH Building Code Review Board (BCRB) will be discussed and audience questions answered. The intent of this session is to be interactive and engage the audience by providing answers to the most common questions relative to the local building department, code official responsibilities, permitting, and the inspections processes.

Presented by: William McKinney, President, NH Building Officials Association

Philip Sherman, Chairman, NH Building Code Review Board

NH Building Code Process PowerPoint Presentation

Unwinding the Complex Legal Landscape Applicable to New Hampshire Fire Departments (In-person)

Fire departments often present municipalities with unique and complicated issues. For example, RSA 154 allows municipal departments to be organized in a wide variety of ways, which often creates confusion regarding who has the authority to direct and control the department. While these structures can be modified and/or clarified, municipalities need to plan far in advance to implement such changes.  Additionally, employment exceptions within the federal and state wage and hour laws allow many (but not all!) fire department employees to be paid differently than other municipal employees, assuming they are employees in the first place and not volunteers. This presentation will cover these and other matters unique to New Hampshire’s fire departments.

Presented by: Anna Cole, Attorney, Drummond Woodsum & MacMahon

Matthew Serge, Attorney, Drummond Woodsum & MacMahon

Working with Difficult and Different People Better (In-person)

Every city manager, mayor, leader, and council person can learn how to work together better reducing leadership stress.  How do you manage different people in a changing environment? Are you connecting and communicating with everyone in their strengths? An energetic, entertaining, and interactive exchange about managing individuals to bring out their best performance. Attendees will explore essential tools for managing, leading & retention of good workers, improved public communication and reduced conflict delivered in a humorous “Dr. Phil meets Jeff Foxworthy” style presentation.

Presented by: Jim Mathis, IPCS, CSP, CSJMT, The Revinention ProTM

Working With Difficult and Different People PowerPoint Presentation

Working with Difficult and Different People Handout


Advocating to Policy Makers (In-person & Streaming Virtually)

In this session, attendees will learn how to figure out who to contact when they have a problem that they want to talk about, how a bill becomes a law (including how to help create legislation, advocate for or against it, and the entire legislative process), and get helpful tips about how to testify in person and do so effectively. Presenters will use examples from the 2022 session to demonstrate the process, and provide insight into potential upcoming legislation pertaining to municipalities.

Presented by: Natch Greyes, Government Affairs Counsel, New Hampshire Municipal Association

Katherine Heck, Government Finance Advisor, New Hampshire Municipal Association

Advocating to Policy Makers PowerPoint Presentation

Video Recording
Duration: 50:44

Community Engagement Tools to Advance Housing Policies (In-person)

This session will highlight the role of community engagement and grassroots advocacy in examining local land use regulations to increase housing supply, affordability, and diversity. The panel will explain what community engagement is, why it matters, and introduce creative community engagement tools. Attendees will hear real examples of tried-and-true strategies that go beyond surveys and listening sessions. Presenters will touch on resources and models for incorporating community engagement into the work of municipal planners and planning consultants work, including tools used in UNH Cooperative Extension’s Housing Academy and New Hampshire Housing’s How Do We Talk About Housing? A Guide to Community Engagement and Grassroots Advocacy.

Presented by: Sarah Wrightsman, Community Engagement Coordinator, New Hampshire Housing

George Reagan, Community Engagement Manager, New Hampshire Housing

Tiffany Tononi McNamara, Community Engagement Manager, Plan New Hampshire

Molly Donovan, Community Economic Development State Specialist, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension

Community Engagement Tools PowerPoint Presentation

DRA Systems Overview (In-person)

The presenters of this session will provide an overview of the Department of Revenue Administration’s (DRA’s) Municipal and Property Division’s software systems. Attendees will learn what they need to know to effectively utilize these tools to ensure compliance with DRA’s reporting requirements.

Presented by: David Salzer, Principal, Axoimatic

Patrick Santoso, Principal, Axiomatic

Justin Lowe, Principal, Axiomatic

DRA Systems Overview PowerPoint Presentation

Get Inspired! (In-person)

Resilience, Perseverance and Dreaming Big – Get inspired by this young leader's story. Discover how she moved forward in her mental health journey through running and with the help of the Corigen Medication Safety Program.

Presented by: Krista Bouchard, Wellness Coordinator, HealthTrust

Get Inspired PowerPoint Presentation

Hot Topics in Highway Regulation (In-person)

This session will address the hot-button issues regarding roads that are faced by municipalities of all sizes and in all corners of the state. You'll hear about development along Class VI and private roads, ATVs and OHRVs on municipal roads, the effect of a “scenic road” designation, and regulations on the use of Class VI roads. The information presented will be of interest to governing body members and municipal managers, as well as land use boards and public works.

Presented by: Christine Fillmore, Attorney, Drummond Woodsum & MacMahon

Matthew Decker, Attorney, Drummond Woodsum & MacMahon

Hot Topics in Highway Regulation PowerPoint Presentation

NH Energy Landscape: Patterns, Policies, and Potential (In-person)

In New Hampshire energy costs are on the rise, affecting residential, commercial, and municipal budgets. This rise in energy costs is due not only to a rise in the price of electricity, and transportation and heating fuels, but also the fact that New Hampshire’s total energy use has stayed the same for the last decade. For municipalities, this trend is likely to continue absent changes in state policies and local decisions. This session will explore the implications of New Hampshire’s energy use and costs and present options for managing those costs over the short and long-term. The session will be facilitated by Clean Energy NH staff with local and regional experts providing their view on obstacles to lowering costs and opportunities to do so.

Presented by: Chris Skoglund, Director of Energy Transition, Clean Energy New Hampshire

Sam Evans-Brown, Executive Director, Clean Energy New Hampshire

NH Energy Landscape PowerPoint Presentation

NH Energy Landscape CPCNH PowerPoint Presentation

Peterborough: Lessons Learned from a Business Email Compromise (In-person)

In 2021, the Town of Peterborough, New Hampshire, like many other communities in the United States became the target of a highly coordinated and well executed cyber attack.  Join Town Administrator Nicole MacStay who led the town through this challenging period, Jason Sgro, Senior Partner of ATOM and the Forensic First Responder lead, and Richard Rossi, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Cybersecurity Advisor for New Hampshire to discuss and learn from this attack.

Presented by: Cori Casey, Risk Management Consultant, New Hampshire Public Risk Management Exchange (Primex3)

Nicole MacStay, Town Administrator, Town of Peterborough

Jason Sgro, Senior Partner, The ATOM Group and President of FBI’s InfraGard NH Program

Richard Rossi, Cybersecurity Advisor - New Hampshire, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

Tim Benitez, Resident Agent in Charge, U.S. Secret Service (USSS)

Peterborough Lessons Learned PowerPoint Presentation

Tax Anticipation Notes & Tax-Exempt Status: State and Federal Requirements (In-person)

Many people are surprised to learn that Tax Anticipation Notes (TANs) can be issued as taxable or tax-exempt, and that tax-exempt TANs are limited in the amount of the loan under federal law. This presentation will cover TAN requirements under state law, as well as requirements under federal law to be issued as tax-exempt. Attendees will obtain a greater understanding of TANs, state and federal requirements, and the limitations imposed at the federal level to issue a TAN as tax-exempt.

Presented by: Steven Whitley, Attorney, Drummond Woodsum & MacMahon

Greg Im, Attorney, Drummond Woodsum & MacMahon

Tax Anticipation Notes PowerPoint Presentation

Tiny Homes (Not In My Backyard) (In-person)

The reality of building small in New Hampshire. This session will provide a closer look at New Hampshire’s Building Codes and Land Use Regulations that get in the way of building a code compliant small (tiny) homes. Attendees should walk away knowing what is considered tiny and how something so tiny fit in New Hampshire.

Presented by: Steven Paquin, Vice President, New Hampshire Building Officials Association

Tiny Homes PowerPoint Presentation


Ethics & Conflicts of Interest (In-person & Streaming Virtually)

The ethical behavior of all public officials and employees is an important concern for municipal officials. Not only is it critical for officials and employees to act ethically, it is also important to avoid even the appearance of unethical behavior. If citizens begin to doubt the ethics and good intentions of local officials, it is difficult to govern effectively and even more difficult to overcome the perception that “something is going on.” Determining whether a municipal official has a conflict of interest requires an understanding of the law and a careful assessment of the particular circumstances creating the potential conflict. In this session, Attorneys Stephen Buckley and Jonathan Cowal will help attendees learn to assess facts that may indicate a conflict and determine whether recusal is necessary.

Presented by: Stephen Buckley, Legal Services Counsel, New Hampshire Municipal Association

Jonathan Cowal, Municipal Services Counsel, New Hampshire Municipal Association

Ethics & Conflicts of Interest PowerPoint Presentation

Video Recording

Duration:  57:17

Looking Beyond the Surface with Brownfields Funding (In-person)

Is there a property in your town that looks abandoned? Are windows broken? Are parking lots overgrown with weeds? Have you long wondered, “What’s going on over there?” Is there a site that you know needs to be cleaned up but you don’t know where to find funding available to address contamination? Are you already overtaxed, literally and figuratively? NHDES’ Brownfields Program wants to help!

Presented by: Melinda Bubier, Project Manager, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services

Michael McCluskey, Brownfields Coordinator, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services

Looking Beyond the Surface PowerPoint Presentation

Municipal Pavement Preservation Planning and Budgeting  (In-person)

Roads are typically the most expensive municipally-owned asset, and effective budgeting for their maintenance and preservation is critical. Ongoing road management involves meeting driver satisfaction, improving road safety, and balancing constrained budgets with rising repair costs. To address these challenges, many municipalities rely on a road surface management system (RSMS), the application of pavement management principles and repair strategies to plan for the maintenance of paved roads. Learn how regional planning commissions in NH are partnering with the New Hampshire Department of Transportation and the UNH Technology Transfer Center to assist municipalities in saving limited tax dollars by creating cost effective 10-year municipal pavement preservation plans.

Presented by: Andrew Smeltz, Planner, Southwest Region Planning Commission

Chris Dowd, SADES Manager, UNH Technology Transfer Center

David Jeffers, SADES Manager, Lakes Region Planning Commission

Matt Waitkins, Senior Transportation Planner, Nashua Regional Planning Commission

Stephen Geis, Planning Technician, Strafford Regional Planning Commission

Tyrel Borowitz, GIS Analyst, Nashua Regional Planning Commission

Municipal Pavement Preservation Planning PowerPoint Presentation

Recovery Homes: Myths and Facts (In-person)

This session will explain what recovery homes both are and are not, as well as how recovery homes and their residents are afforded protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. In addition, we will discuss how these homes are vital for their residents, and why some of the common fears and misperceptions surrounding these homes are incorrect.

Presented by: Kim Bock, Executive Director, New Hampshire Coalition of Recovery Residences

Lindsay Lincoln, Fair Housing project Co-Director, New Hampshire Legal Assistance

Sean Toomey, Fair Housing project Co-Director, Division of Fire Safety, Department of Safety

William McKinney, President, New Hampshire Building Officials Association

Max Latona, Executive Director, Center for Ethics in Society, Saint Anselm College

Recovery Homes PowerPoint Presentation

RSA 79:A - Current Use (In-person)

Review of frequently asked questions regarding RSA 79:A;  as submitted to the DRA & the Current Use Board.

Presented by: Norman Bernaiche, Assessor, Town of Hanover

Current Use PowerPoint Presentation

Save Money with NHSaves: Energy Efficiency Opportunities for Municipalities (In-person)

NHSaves - Reducing energy costs. Protecting our environment. Making the communities of New Hampshire more sustainable. Learn how work with municipal customers to help them reduce their energy bills while receiving incentives to offset the cost of energy efficiency projects. Learn how NHSaves can help with technical and financial assistance, and guidance with project management to help identify, prioritize and implement a cost-effective energy efficiency strategy in your schools, town office buildings, libraries, police and fire stations, and water/wastewater treatment facilities.

Presented by: Tori Gerlt, Senior Project Manager, ​Resilient Buildings Group, Inc.

Andrew Hatch, Senior Project Manager, ​Resilient Buildings Group, Inc.

Brad Atwater, Facility Manager, Town of Plainfield

Melissa Elander, North Country Energy Circuit Rider, Clean Energy NH

Meghan Hoye, Outreach Manager II, Franklin Energy

Save Money with NHSAVES PowerPoint Presentation

Status of Broadband in New Hampshire (In-person)

The New Hampshire Department of Business & Economic Affairs will provide attendees a status update on broadband activities within the state. This update will include information on broadband buildout with Capital Project Funds, a status update on the Broadband Equity and Deployment (BEAD) funds within Internet for all, and the state of digital equity in New Hampshire.

Presented by: Mark Laliberte, Broadband Project Manager, NH Department of Business & Economic Affairs

Matt Conserva, Broadband Business Administrator, NH Department of Business & Economic Affairs

The Future of Wellness Programs (In-person)

Discover how HealthTrust's new Slice of Life wellness program, powered by Virgin Pulse, can drive healthy behavior change and learn about the new-edge employee and employer resources in our new LifeResources Employee Assistance Program offered in collaboration with ComPsych.

Presented by: Kerry Horne, Assistant Manager, Wellness, HealthTrust

Future of Wellness Programs PowerPoint Presentation

When and How to do Succession Planning (In-person)

Planning for the future is never high on anyone’s list and oftentimes it’s why we get caught in a bind. It’s always easier to delay this discussion. But in our business, succession planning is essential to ensure the continued operation of our wastewater treatment facilities and other municipal departments. This involves identifying potential successors for key critical roles and making sure they are prepared for the job ahead. The most common question is “How to get started?,” but the most important question is, “When to get started?”, and the best answer to that is “Now!” This presentation will provide ten steps so you can get the succession planning process started in your municipality.

Presented by: Raymond Gordon, Administrator, NH Department of Environmental Services

Succession Planning PowerPoint Presentation


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